We help B2B Publishing companies

Turn website visitors into newsletter subscribers and grow sponsorship revenue

Tired of your audience problems?

Many overlook this but the heart of a thriving B2B publication isn't just producing great content; it is your audience lifecycle strategy. A lack of a retention strategy can lead to:1) Reduced Advertiser Interest: If you cannot guarantee a steady audience, advertisers may lose confidence in the value of working with you.2) Erratic Subscribers Revenue: Inconsistent audience retention results in fluctuating subscription numbers, making it difficult to stabilise audience monetisation.3) Diminished Brand Authority: Your authoritative status within the industry will slowly disappear, losing influence and credibility.


There is no one-size fits all.We will be diving into your current audience situation to understand your industry, your business and your audience strategy. This is crucial to build the action plan designed to meet your needs.

Step 2: AUDIENCE Journey

Each subscriber needs to follow a specific path.This path from awareness to loyalty will be partly automated and partly tailored based on data.
This will increase relevancy, engagement, and advocacy to your publication(s).

Step 3:
FOCUS on your MVA

Your MVA are your most valuable audiences.This is the crux of your future business.
Your MVAs are the audiences that will buy extra products, go to your events, and recommend you to their peers. They need to be involved in your strategy.

Step 4:
TRACK Your Impact

This is where you will start seeing the result.Once the 3 previous steps are in place and working effectively, you will have created a meaningful experience for your audience. Therefore, your campaigns will have a stronger impact.

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